Possible integrations
Select the appropriate program and see the possibilities of synchronizing the eTax application with the ERP system.
First 30 days for free. Give us a moment and we will adapt to your requirements
Communication methods
Effective and error-free issuing of Tax Free documents requires reliable and fast methods of synchronizing issued receipts. We can do this in several ways:
- API REST - ability to send data to the eTAX system, or download data from the API provided on the sales system side (the eTAX system automatically synchronizes data from the sales system)
- A desktop application installed on a server or computer in the local network.
- Setting up a secure connection (tunnel, vpn) and downloading data from an SQL database or intermediate database
We may consider other methods of connecting to our system.
Communication with online systems (accessible via browser)
We connect to such systems via the provided API
- Simple setup
- Frequent and fast synchronization
- Security
- Automation
The system only collects sales data, contractor (traveller) data once saved in the eTAX application can be used multiple times.
Check icon
Success message.
Error icon
Error message.
Warning icon
Alert message.
Warning icon
Warning message.
A simple info alert with an example link. Give it a click if you like.
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