eTAX - Tax Free document management in your store.
Issue and settle TAX FREE documents. Everything is simple, convenient and faultlessly.

Main Features Application
The application replaces the time-consuming issuing of TAX FREE documents, ensuring data consistency and correctness. The service works with sales systems (Wapro, Subiekt, Optima, ...) and has full integration with the PUESC system.
Automation and optimization of sales processes
All data needed to issue a Tax Free document is automatically downloaded, which ensures the correctness of the created forms. Appropriate configuration allows for issuing documents and managing them in a bulk manner.
Key Features System
System available online
Run the application anywhere, anytime. With our platform you can add new documents, settle and control their status, monitor sales and have full control over all TaxFree processes in the company.
Employee Profiles
Unlimited number of users, ability to create profiles for each employee (cashier) who has an account in the PUESC system. Advanced permissions and settings.
Directory of contractors
Faster issuance of documents for early registered travelers. Analysis and reports on issued documents and contractors.
PUESC Integration
Direct sending of documents to PUESC via Web Service, or generating XML files and uploading them to PUESC. Settlement of TAX FREE document (VAT refund) from the application level.
Support for multiple warehouses (branches)
The application enables separate numbering of TAX FREE documents for each warehouse or branch.
Providing travellers with information about TAX FREE documents and their status in the eTAX application. Sending Tax Free documents in PDF format to an email address or via text message with a link to download the document.
Choose the right plan. Check out the possibilities offered by the eTAX application.
First 30 days for free. Give us a moment and we will adapt to your requirements
Free installation and configuration of integration with PUESC, regardless of the decision.
The rates given in the price list are net amounts - please add VAT at the rate of 23%.
Test all system integrations and features for free for 30 days
See how our application works! Check how to issue Tax Free documents quickly and effectively, learn about our technology, register and start selling more.
Get started for freeFrequently asked questions
TAX FREE is a system for refunding VAT paid on purchases of goods in Poland to travellers who do not have a permanent place of residence in the EU. This is a solution for:
- a traveler who purchased goods in Poland for more than PLN 200
- received the Tax Free document in paper or electronic form
- exported the goods intact outside the EU and obtained confirmation from a Customs and Tax Service officer (electronic or stamp).
- Login to the eTAX application
- Issuing a receipt
- Selecting or adding a traveler manually or using a passport scanner
- Sending the TaxFree document from the eTAX system to the PUESC system
- Printing the received Tax Free document or sending it to the traveller in electronic form
No. The entrepreneur is not obliged to attach a cash register receipt to the printed TAX FREE document. Entrepreneurs can send TAX FREE documents in electronic form without printing them. Our system enables sending Tax Free documents to the e-mail address provided by the traveller or via text message with a link to download the document.
In the case of export of goods by travellers outside the territory of the European Union via an EU Member State other than Poland, they are required to show the Tax Free document to the customs officer and have it stamped to confirm the export.
When a traveller crosses the EU border through a border crossing in Poland, he or she may have a TaxFree document only in electronic form, e.g. in PDF format. Such a document is identified by the customs officer by its unique UNS system number, which is also embedded in the barcode.
For travelers it is primarily:
- shortening service time
- quick refund of paid VAT for non-cash transactions
- electronic access to TAX FREE documents via the application eTAX
If you receive electronic confirmation that the goods have been exported, you can refund the VAT in non-cash form. The refund should be made to the bank account number or payment card that the traveller provided when issuing the Tax Free document. In this case, the traveler is not required to personally deliver the TAX FREE document, everything is done remotely. The VAT refund must be confirmed in the eTAX application.
The Seller may participate in the TAX FREE system if he/she meets all of the following conditions:
- is a registered VAT payer
- in each point of sale in the TaxFree system there is at least one online cash register and it is used to register sales (e.g. print a receipt)
- registered on the PUESC platform in order to use the TAX FREE system ( )
- must provide travellers with written information on the tax refund rules in four languages: Polish, English, German and Russian
- must mark points of sale with a sign informing travellers that they can purchase goods at these points that are eligible for a tax refund.
Only the person making the purchase (traveller details from the Tax Free document) can receive a VAT refund in cash. You cannot change the form of tax refund once you have chosen it.
There is no VAT refund for services provided
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