TAX FREE - VAT refund for travelers
TAX FREE – what is it and for whom?
This is a VAT refund system for travellers, which enables the recovery of VAT paid on the purchase of goods in the territory of the Republic of Poland by a traveller who does not have a permanent place of residence in the territory of the EU.
- the traveler purchased goods in Poland worth more than PLN 200
- lives permanently outside the EU, the tourist can confirm his/her place of residence by showing, for example, a passport
- exported the goods outside the European Union in personal luggage (in intact condition)
Need more information?
TAX FREE – korzyści
- obtaining confirmation of the export of goods directly from the office
- quick and easy access to data on transactions carried out in the TAX FREE procedure
- facilitating settlements with both travelers and the tax administration
- much cheaper shopping in Poland
- quick refund of paid VAT for non-cash transactions
- electronic access to TAX FREE documents (via the eTAX system)
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